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Generative Art Summit Berlin

“It’s great that so many guests of honor from all over the world are accepting the invitation and coming together for a few days in Berlin and Wolfsburg. Many members of the hugh generative art community of today will be meeting in person for the first time. The foundation is delighted tmaking possible these encounters and host this meet & greet of the generative art community.”

Susanne Paech is a German journalist and media expert. She holds a PhD in history of science as well as communication. She is the owner and managing director of mce mediacomeurope GmbH, a consulting company in the field of content and multimedia. Her company is also operating an independent TV-station called HYPERRAUM.TV focusing to science and technology. Her husband was Herbert W. Franke, Austrian-born pioneer of computer art and well-known science fiction writer.

Susanne Paech founded the “art meets science – Foundation Herbert W Franke” shortly after Herbert W. Franke’s death in July 2022. An important task is – among other things in cooperation with the ZKM | Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe – the indexing of Franke’s extensive archive. The foundation also promotes links between art and science with research projects, exhibitions and events such as the “Generative Art Summit”.